2016年10月17日 星期一

江戸前 一朗

愛媛縣沒有很高分既星級壽司店. 江戸前 一朗算是在地數一數二了. 準時晚上7點到達. 可能因為我用英文預約,知道我是遊客,主廚親自在門口等候. 受寵若驚.

坐下看一看menu, 晚上都有 Dinner set. 但我來此當然唔係黎食set.一句 Omakasei kudasai. 主廚便大叫一聲令眾弟子開始準備.

呢度既壽司算是新派做法, 最特別係有兩件用上生鵪鶉蛋.

2016年5月30日 星期一


所以就去左全國第一既讚岐烏冬店食. 間野叫谷川米穀店. tabelog 高達4.13分. 好多神級拉麵店都去唔到呢個分

去呢間野有幾個難題,第一你唔渣車去都幾難去.自己GOOGLE MAP睇下. 第二佢每日營業時間只有11:00-13:00. 第三係限量發售賣完就冇.


呢度MENU只有鳥冬.分大/細 .冷熱同價. 150/280. 加生蛋+50. 其他乜撚都冇.

旁邊有D 位俾你渣住碗食.冇台既.




2015年12月3日 星期四

青空 (Harutaka)

銀座青空, 米芝蓮兩星, 同水谷八郎一樣是小野二郎修業完成既弟子.
BOOK 台唔算難,早一個半月便可. 內場懂簡單英文. 但高橋SAN就只會日文.


2015年6月27日 星期六

Relais Louis XIII

Relais Louis XIII - used to be 2 stars but in 2015 it down graded to one star but for me, the food is 2 to 3 stars. Service 1 star and environment 1 star. So average 1 to 2 stars. I would recommend this more than JR in paris. especially the foie gras lobster ravioli. You cannot miss it.
Signature menu ~ 100 euro.

Restaurant Kokotxa

Restaurant Kokotxa - a tiny one star restaurant in San sebastian.
Food/service/environment equal to one star. You may give it a try for budget no more than 100 euro.


Azurmendi - the 3 stars restaurant near Bilbao. The is no bus or train can reach. So you either take a taxi or drive to there. Make sure your have booking. 
The whole dinning is a trip. Starting from a tour at their gardens. green house, kitchen. Then sit down and choose the menu. There is 2 menu- classic / innovation. I took the classic one. ~150 euro.
This is my 2nd recommended restaurant in spain.


Arzak - The first 3 stars restaurant in spain.
Food/service/environment all 3 stars standard.
Tasting menu cost around 200 euro. IF you have only one restaurant to try in spain, it must be Arzak.